
Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is closed


Abstract submission deadline                            10 July 2024, 23:59 CEST
Abstract outcome                                                  Mid-August

Abstract Submission Rules

Download the abstract submission rules here

Abstract topics

Click here for the topic list


The accepted abstracts of Global (ES)GURS-ESAU24 are going to be published online in the resource centre, in the EAU association app and as an online supplement by Elsevier on European Urology Open Science. If you do not want your abstract published online please send an e-mail to esgurs@congressconsultants.com.

Please note: Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the European Association of Urology and The Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons (GURS), and any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the author(s).

Registration is open. Take advantage of reduced rates!

More information

Abstract outcome

All abstracts are reviewed by the ESGURS section, ESAU section and GURS.
All accepted scientific abstracts will be invited to have a poster on display during the duration of the meeting, and all accepted videos will be shown on a screen during the duration of the meeting.

The presenting authors of the best abstracts will additionally be invited for oral presentation in the programme, and will receive awards.